ODU Research Computing Forum

Getting started on SU2


I am very new to SU2. How do I get started with a simple SU2 calculation on HPC?

How can I run a SU2 calculation in parallel?

For running on Wahab, one can use a batch submission script

module load container_env su2/7.1.1
srun --mpi=pmi2 crun SU2_CFD CONFIG_FILENAME.cfg

To use the Python scripts included with SU2,

module load container_env su2/7.1.1
module load python py-numpy py-scipy
export SU2_RUN=/opt/su2/bin
export SU2_MPI_COMMAND="srun --mpi=pmi2 -n %i crun %s"
shape_optimization.py -f  your_config_file.cfg -n 4